Event Details
Virtual Listening Room (VLR) with Cannibal Boom

Date & Time:
March 24, 2021
7:00 pm
Sound Arts Richmond hosts Cannibal Boom for a Virtual Listening Room (VLR) on March 24th from 7 to 8:30. This is a free event but please support the artist by visiting Facebook and Instagram @CannibalBoom #cannibalboom #dumbdemon The album Dumb Demon, written and recorded in Baltimore, is now available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music, along with most other services. It’s also available on Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
Follow this link to join at 7pm on March 24th (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87344185499)
Check out the new video “Run Demon” produced by the incredible Studio Virosa (NYC, LA).
Event Artists
Cannibal Boom
Media archaeologist, digital daemonologist and artist.

Cannibal Boom is the project of Norberto Gomez, Jr, who is a media archaeologist, digital daemonologist and artist based in Baltimore, Maryland, and whose work engages in the interstices and chasms of death and technology, as well as aesthetics and horror.”. Gomez attended the University of Houston where they received an MFA in painting and … Continued
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