Event Details
Experiments in Sound Summer Workshops

VCU Kinetic Imaging Department
817 West Franklin St
Richmond, VA 23284
Date & Time:
May 29, 2018
VCUarts Department of Kinetic Imaging presents Experiments in Sound, summer workshops open to the public!
May 29 – June 30, 2018
Various locations on and around VCU’s Monroe Park campus
Interact with sound in new, creative ways: build layered soundscapes, explore hidden vibrations, experiment with synthesizers, embed sound in everyday materials. Learn to use professional sound equipment and software while working alongside local artists and Kinetic Imaging faculty. Workshops are open to all, ages 18 and up (ages 12-17 may participate if accompanied by an adult) and take place between May 29 and June 30, 2018 at locations on and around VCU’s Monroe Park campus. Registration required. Beginners welcome!
List of workshops:
Synthesized Sound: The Art of Beeps, Blips, and Twisting Knobs
Tuesday, May 29 & Thursday, May 31, 6-9pm
Build Your Own Contact Mic
Wednesday, May 30, 6-8pm
Sonic Bodies
Saturday, June 2 & Sunday, June 3, 3-6pm
Podcasting 101
Monday, June 4, 5-7pm
OR Wednesday, June 20, 6-8pm
Composing Soundscapes with Ableton Live
Four Tuesdays: June 5, 12, 19 & 26, 6:30-9pm
Hidden Sounds
Wednesday, June 6, 5-8pm
DIY Invisible Speakers
Thursday, June 14, 6-9pm
Capturing the Sound: James River Walks
Three Mix-and-Match Saturday Sessions: June 16, 23 & 30, 12-5pm
Friday, June 22, 1-4:30pm and performance 5:30-7pm
Experiments in Sound is presented by VCUarts Kinetic Imaging in conjunction with Sound Arts Richmond, with support from The Anderson at VCUarts and Innovative Media at VCU Libraries.